July 28, 1918
Posted by Joel C. Swisher on July 28, '18
Dear Aunt Mary,
Thy letter of June 30 reached me today. As this is a rainy First Day morning I will answer it at once. In regard to my Liberty Bond, I have one for $50 on which I make a monthly payment of $5.00. This $5.00 being taken out of my wages. I think this month will complete the payment. I made it out to be delivered to thee.
Thanks very much for subscribing for the Sat. Eve. Post. Hope thee took it out of my allotment as I requested. The Digest sent on April 14 I received and enjoyed. Concerning the safety blades I will be frank and say I did not get them but I was fortunate enough to find a fellow in the company who had the same kind of a razor and broke it and had nearly a dozen blades left on his hands so I bought them from him. They will last me for the duration of the war so don’t let that give thee any more concern.
We are still in the same place as when I wrote last. Out in the fields and barrens, putting up barracks. Last week I was helping assemble a Y.M.C.A. building.
The Y.M.C.A, makes these buildings in a factory and ships them knocked down to where they are wanted and there they are put up.
A lot of government barracks are handled in the same way and some are built on the sight they are wanted. The ones we are putting up now come in sections and we assemble them. I don’t know where the sections are made. Either in France or Switzerland.
We have been having a few rainy days recently.
You folks keep asking for my picture. I had them taken recently but was not at all pleased with the result, so am not sending any. Am going to have them taken again in the near future.
Best of Love,
JoelJoel C. Swisher
Co. B 25th Engrs.